• 0484 - 2375537, 2376269, 2375180
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The statutory functions of the State Warehousing Corporation's are:

  • Acquire and build godowns and warehouses at such suitable places within the State.
  • Run Warehouses in the State, for the storage of the agricultural produce, seeds, manures, fertilizers, agricultural implements and notified commodities.
  • Arrange facilities for the transport of agricultural produce seeds, manures, fertilizers, agricultural implements and notified commodities to and from Warehouses.
  • Act as an agent of the Central Warehousing Corporation or the Government for the purpose of purchase, sale, storage and distribution of agricultural produce, seeds, manures, fertilizers, agricultural implements and notified commodities 
  • Carry out such other functions as may be prescribed.
KSWC undertakes Disinfestation Extension Services at the door steps of the Farmers, Traders, Industrialists etc., on short calls as well as on yearly contract basis as per the request of the customers. KSWC had formulated very effective Anti-coagulant Rat Poisoning Bait in the name of “ RODOFOE”. KSWC acts as Nodal Agency to supply “RODOFOE” for the Govt. Level Rat Control Campaigns in the state.
KSWC has offered its helping hand to the Public Sector organizations in designing and constructing buildings and godsown making use of the technical know-how and personnel available with the Civil Engineering Wing. Container Fright Station functions at Thripunithura with most modern facilities like Mechanised handling, Computerised documentation, 42,000 Sq. Ft. covered area, Container Parking Yard, Dormitory facilities for truck operators, Fool Proof Security Arrangement etc.
  • Last Modified: Tuesday 15 October 2024, 12:15:19.

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